Tuples Are Slow

Python tuples (immutable sequences) can be much slower to work with than their mutable cousins, lists. This surprised me; I would have thought they would have been faster all ’round, as they seem “simpler”. That doesn’t seem to be the case.


I ran some simple timing experiments comparing list and tuple operations in Python 2.5.1, from inside the PythonWin environment (build 210). I used the timeit module for all tests, running the default 1,000,000 trials.


If you’re creating a sequence from an explicit set of values, tuples are much faster to create:

>>> timeit.Timer('[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]').timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer('(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)').timeit()

If you’re creating a sequence algorithmically, e.g. from a list comprehension, tuples are slower to create:

>>> timeit.Timer('[i*2 for i in range(10)]').timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer('tuple(i*2 for i in range(10))').timeit()

It takes nearly three times as long to create a short tuple from a list comprehension as it does to create a list.


Tuples are quicker to slice than lists:

>>> timeit.Timer('t[:5]', 't = [i*2 for i in range(10)]').timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer('t[:5]', 't = tuple(i*2 for i in range(10))').timeit()

It takes about 1/2 the time to slice a tuple as it does to slice a list.


However, since tuples are immutable, it’s very expensive to remove items from them:

>>> timeit.Timer('t[:].remove(6)', 't = [i*2 for i in range(10)]').timeit()
>>> timeit.Timer('tuple(e for e in t if e != 6)', 't = tuple(i*2 for i in range(10))').timeit()

Since tuples have no equivalent to the list.remove() method, a new tuple must be constructed that omits the undesired element. For short tuples, this process can take over 7 times longer than the equivalent list.remove() call. (Note that the actual difference is even greater, as my test code copies the list before invoking list.remove().)


In inner loops, the choice between lists and tuples can make a big difference in performance. It’s advisable to consider exactly how you plan to use your sequence objects, and choose accordingly.

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